Monday, 23 May 2022

Whats in the vax? Why Magnetism and whats Graphene Oxide?


Report from  La Quita Columna 

Ricardo Delgado Martin

La Quita columna says Graphene oxide micro chip tech is clearly in the vaccine but very little maybe 1% mRNA.


 After vaccines were rolled out shortly after there were reports of magnetism in humans. This has been attributed to the graphene, aluminium nanoparticles in the mRNA and Astra vaccine. see Andreas Noack in this blog for explanation.

 Dr Noack video


Dr Noack Death 


 Dr Francis Boyle on the bio weapon leaked from Wuhan and the 🇦🇺 labs connection.




 A doctor in Eng. cautions Nano particles the blood brain link and injury

Statement by DR T - MBChB MRCGP


I am sharing the following hypothesis urgently of how the Covid-19 experimental injections may be harming and killing in the hope that it may be able to help in some way to help stop this attempted mass genocide.


I do not believe this is an accident and I will explain why.


My hypothesis is that the experimental mRNA Covid-19 injections contain a magnetised nano particle attached to the mRNA which crosses the blood-brain barrier and is then attracted to the brain, particularly mid-line structures.


I further hypothesize that two things aid this passage of the magnetised mRNA to the brain: local temperature effects from EMF radiation and from an artificial network such as from hydrogel. I will now explain why I am proposing this hypothesis

 See full statement in video.

video statement Dr T








Australia: a woman trying to find some explanation as she's become a magnet.

 Jyothi Gowda took her first dose of Covaxin on April 26 and the second on May 29.


Here are some links to strange reports of magnetism.

magnetism india

indian express case 2


video 2 

Twitter link

Twitter 2


Maharashtra Man Claims He Got Magnetic Powers After 2 Doses of Covishield Vaccine. Watch Viral Video

Warning MRI caution


nano particles and nervous system in brain  The brain

Ex Pfizer M. Yeadon   Survey Europe on magnetism

Dr Christine Northrup gynaecology: Click

Astra Zeneca  Astra explains magnetism


Video of athletes falling ill 

5G in Australia; Sydney 2007 The Tank Man; Exposing Safety Risks

John Pattersons's decided to make his point when nobody was listening to realities in fact.       When people talk about the Tank Man on...