Wednesday, 24 August 2022

People suffering side effects after vax



Adverse Reactions

Dr Christine Northrup

Post vaccine and non vaxed women
Women's menstrual cycles are confused, their bleeding out and men's sperm compromised, plus miscarriages, early termination sky rocketed.

The Stats: Craig Paarde Kooper has the real heavy site for adverse findings and data

Web data

Check your batch toxicity
Daily Expose link

Craig Paarde Kooper



This is a thorough documentary of the harm done in the UK

These are real people not just numbers


Nov 2021 funeral Director Mr John O Looney puts a call out to let people know that many people he is seeing are dying from the common cold after being vaxed as a result of immune degradation post vaccination. In short their immune system is moribund / shot.

This information was foretold by Prof Bhakdi, Prof Clancy (Aust) and Judy Mikovits in 2020. (See this blog) Click Video

 Video Aug 2022 how government scammed us to create fear then Vax population.

Chantel Uren

WA Police office has a stroke after vaccine   

W.A Police officer has stroke after Pfizer 

No more silence 


New Zealander speaks on Facebook  Her story  

This lady has a Pfizer support group in NZ she started on facebook. her friends tell their story.

The effects on people, many people hospitalized after shot

Elite Sports people hit

sports fall ill 

There has been a surge of elite sports athletes who have fell sick or died after vaccinating.  



Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer

1. Kyles story    2. Kyle Warner                   



 ABC Presenter Russell Woolf  Dies in his sleep cause unknown





Tennis player Jeremy Chardy  

Bullied by society   

Daniel Shep Pericarditis

Tayla Mundt  



Nats story 

Rebecca Harrison 

Her story a doctors blank stare

 NZ worker Tic Toc

Rory MetCalf  N.Z.🇳🇿

Rory dies at 26


USA suffering

USA Enquiry 

Brianne Dressen 

Click webpage of the women

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson held a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., with doctors and medical researchers who treat COVID-19 vaccine injuries, along with patients who have experienced adverse events due to the COVID-19 vaccine.


Dr Dressen 2.

 Aaron Siri attorney relates 4 injured doctors stories

Senetor Johnson enquiry on kids Pfizer trial.

Doctor immobile by Moderna

Doctor hospitalized


Fully vaccinated dies after slamming anti vaxed

Arrogance at worst see article

Qantas workers adverse reactions and deaths  

Sunday, 21 August 2022

The Surveillance and Control Net





Dr Nick Begich Covert Harassment Conference 2018 


Bigger than Snowden Video on Surveillance 




Robert Duncan Skull to mind audio science; whistleblower


Robert Duncan The Matrix Deciphered  



The Scientists Dr Elizabeth Rauscher

The Tech of Mind Control blog BY Ted Hunter


History The Minds of Men Documents the study of Eugenics, psychiatry, government and Corporate elite funding.

Aaron & Melissa Dykes


Video Minds of Men




The Eugenics movement and Global Elites born out of the Anglo American relationship of 20th century.

 Thomas Huxley started  the X club an elite British empire group of whose

 psychologist, mathematicians, types included Bertrand Russell, The Racio Club

 1949 Alan Turing 1948 Conference Mental Health and world citizenship. 







 Jon Rappaport The Granada Institute on The New World Order


 Victims of Mind control and harassment





Robert Duncan O Finneoan

video story of entrapment Deep State 

Robert Talks  




Robert talks with David Corso black opps. on PTSD


MKUltra cloned operative of Deep State CIA deprogramed

Cathy O Brien video 


Cathys story Listen audio


Website Trance Formation of America



How mind control works Example 911.

 Cathy O Brien says in the PTSD book

A concept of time equates to a concept of awareness or consciousness.
I know from experience that trauma results in dissociation, which is
professionally defined as "the mind's sane defense to trauma too horrible to

The neuron pathways of the brain actually shut down to
repress or isolate the trauma so the rest of the mind can function normally.
This repressed memory is shoved deep into the subconscious and is often
consciously perceived as "missing time".

When repeated traumas occur, more and more neuron pathways shut down,
sectioning off memory with less and less capacity for conscious thought.

Dissociation is immobilizing and can appear as 'day dreaming' due to the
sleep like state of the conscious mind. This in turn leaves a traumatized
person highly suggestible to subconscious manipulation and thus easily led.

The reality of this brain reaction is known by those in positions of control
who capitalize on lack of awareness. When 911 occurred in the US, the
whole nation was traumatized and thus easily and deliberately led into war.

911 is a powerful example of mind control's sliding scale, which extends
from social engineering of a whole population to the kind of robotic mind
control I endured. 

A bombardment of military ads on television in conjunction with constant images of 911's terror and declarations of war by US 'leaders' resulted in unprecedented military recruitment.

Basic military training includes physical exhaustion often compounded by
sleep, food, and water deprivation in conjunction with NLP (neuro linguistic
programming), which is the language of the subconscious. 

The subconscious mind has no ability to question, reason or consciously
comprehend and can be programmed to override basic instinct. Considering
that killing is contrary to innate human morality, the conscious mechanism
of compassion must be overridden in order for a soldier to point and shoot
without hesitation.

Video games incorporating virtual reality are common methods for point and
shoot conditioning. Once on the battlefield, the 'game' shoots back, which
compounds the trauma of war. 


Source Book PTSD Cathy O Brien /



2011 Senate Bioethics committee. Targeted individuals.

Website on Mind Control Harassment

Fighting Monarch 


Conference videos 2014 Belgium 

Gang Stalking Geral Sosbee ex FBI harassed whistleblower









Ramola D Activist and targeted 

Videos by Ramola D on Energy Weapons

 Youtube Videos by Ramola D

India Targeted individual.






5G in Australia; Sydney 2007 The Tank Man; Exposing Safety Risks

John Pattersons's decided to make his point when nobody was listening to realities in fact.       When people talk about the Tank Man on...