Prof. Nikolai invented the Covax19 system in S.A. it's been used in Iran.
Prof. Nikolai invented the Covax19 system in S.A. it's been used in Iran.
Pharma Astra Zenica admits blood clots caused by spike protein bonding with Platelet Factor 4 which induces coagulation and a thromboid event or blood clot.
It also says the vaccine creates a negative charge in the body thus making it magnetic to a positive charge.
Blood clots to brain 18%UK , 11%USA Astra Seneca vector vaccine
Stew Peters on spike shedding effecting everyone
The Games Pfizer plays
Childrens Health
My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a prepared speech, but this is so important that I wanted to make sure that I get every single word and scientific fact correct.
I stand by this statement with a career dedicated to vaccine research and development. I’m vaccinated for COVID and I'm generally pro-vaccination. I have devoted my entire career to developing safe and effective ways to prevent and treat infectious diseases.
After this, I will be posting the text of this statement so you can share it with your friends and family.
Before you inject your child - a decision that is irreversible - I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created:
There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children's cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable
The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested.
Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history
One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie.
In summary: there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.
The risk/benefit analysis isn’t even close.
As a parent and grandparent, my recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.
Dr Chetty claim;
...he has has had over 6,000 covid cases and zero deaths.
Remedies Lifelong TV
This one-pager summarizes the therapy adopted by Dr Shankara Chetty, from South Africa, to help prevent COVID-19 from progressing towards severe disease. The document focuses on the 8th day
onwards of COVID-19, i.e. the inflammatory phase. It does not cover the initial viral phase, for which early treatment protocols already exist and can be prescribed before. The document is for information
only, not for therapeutic advice. If you catch COVID-19, please seek immediate medical help.
The 8th Day Therapy aims at mitigating a possible hypersensitivity reaction, that can trigger an
inappropriate immune response, including a possible subsequent cytokine storm. This transition from
the initial viral phase typically occurs on Day 8 after the first symptoms. It’s essential for the treating
physician to establish as precisely as possible the first day of symptoms, to alert the patient of the
date when a possible sudden aggravation of symptoms may occur. Shortness of breath is typically
associated with this aggravation.
The 8th Day Therapy encompasses 4 distinct interventions. They sometimes follow a previously
prescribed early treatment protocol. Possible drug interactions need to be carefully assessed.
Intervention #1: Corticosteroids
Goal: To stop the hypersensitivity reaction, to stop the release of mediators and to prevent an inappropriate immune response, including a possible subsequent cytokine storm.
Medication: Prednisone 80mg dly x 1 week.
Note: Increase dose rapidly to get symptomatic relief quickly. CRP and IL6 values must show quick decline. Dose
will vary according to variants and severity of reaction. Can go as high as 100mg tds for first few days. Wean off
cautiously when CRP and IL6 are normal or patient is well for a few days. Those with prolonged reactions are
difficult to wean, so consider adding Azathioprine 50mg dly to decrease steroid requirements.
Intervention #2: Anti-histamines
Goal: To clear the histamines that have been released.
H1: Promethazine 25mg tds x 5 days or Levocetirizine 5mg bd x 1 month to follow Promethazine
H2: Cimetidine 400mg x 1 month or another H2 blocker
Other anti-histamine drugs can be suitable.
Intervention #3: Anti-leukotrienes
Goal: To clear the leukotrienes that have been released.
Medication: Montelukast 10mg bd x 5 days then dly x 1 month
Intervention #4: Blood Thinners
Goal: to clear platelet activating factors
Aspirin 325 mg dly x 1 month.
Add Xarelto 15 mg bd if D.Dimer is raised; decrease to 15 mg dly x 1 month once D.Dimer is normal
Optional Interventions
- Add appropriate antibiotics for those with fever, bacterial co-infection or raised Procalcitonin levels
- Add Venteze syrup PRN for those suffering from asthma
- Add Ivermectin 12 mg dly x 5 days in those with cough, dyspnea or decreased oxygen saturation
- Fluvoxamine may be a suitable drug, yet Dr Chetty has so far no experience with it.
By Dr Shankara Chetty, MD, with the editorial assistance of JP Kiekens /
Strictly for Information Only, Not for Medical advice. Version of May 12 2021.
Day 8
The high IGE is a indicator of the auto immune response in the body to the spike protein injected, he deducts. Therefore patients are reacting to the spike protein that the covid virus catalyses rather than to the virus. The virus is by then dormant and not effecting the patient.
What is IGE test ?
An immunoglobulin E (IgE) test measures the blood level of IgE, one of the five subclasses of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system that attack antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and allergens.
IgE antibodies are found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes. They are associated mainly with allergic reactions (when the immune system overreacts to environmental antigens such as pollen or pet dander) and parasitic infections.
The IgE test is often performed as part of an initial screen for allergies. Symptoms of allergies may include hives, itchy eyes or nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, tight throat, and trouble breathing. Symptoms may be seasonal (as with allergies due to pollen or molds) or year-round (as with food allergies). They can range from mild to severe, depending on the child and the allergy.
H1+ H2 blockers
H2 blockers are sometimes called H2 receptor antagonists, or H2RAs. They reduce the amount of acid that the stomach produces. This can help treat many common health issues, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastric ulcers, and occasional heartburn.
“There are two known histamine receptors, designated H1 and H2.
H1 receptor antagonists are typically utilized to suppress the body’s histamine-mediated effects in anaphylactoid or anaphylactic reactions.
H2 antagonists are competitive antagonists at the parietal cell H2 receptor and are typically used to suppress gastric acid secretion. H2 blockers begin working within an hour and last for up to 12 hours.
H2 Antagonists i.e. H2 Blockers, competitively inhibit the action of histamine at H2 receptors on gastric parietal cells, thereby inhibiting gastric acid secretion.
Public Health Scotland data shows 89% of COVID deaths over the past month occurred in the fully vaccinated
The latest data from Public Health Scotland revealed that a whopping 89 percent of all alleged Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths over the past month were actually vaccine-caused deaths.
The same data also showed that 77 percent of hospitalizations and 65 percent of alleged cases where a person tested positive also occurred in people who took the jab. Back in September, it was also reported that 80 percent of all COVID deaths in the country were actually fully vaccinated deaths. Public Health Scotland publishes a weekly report containing this data that it calls the “COVID-19 Statistical Report.”
The latest edition confirmed that things are going from bad to worse as far as who is getting sick (the fully vaccinated) and who is not getting sick (the unvaccinated). Table 18 of the report’s November 10 edition confirmed that the majority of Chinese Virus cases during the week beginning October 30 were people who took the jabs as directed by the government. Broken down by category, these are the case numbers between October 9 and November 5 based on vaccination status: • Non-vaccinated population: 24,992 cases (-438 cases compared to previous week’s data) • Partially vaccinated population: 4,125 cases (+368 cases compared to previous week’s data) • Fully vaccinated population: 43,253 cases (+2,045 cases compared to previous week’s data)
As you can clearly see, the number of cases among the unvaccinated is declining while the number of cases among the vaccinated, and especially the fully vaccinated, is accelerating dramatically. Unvaccinated eight times less likely to die compared to fully vaccinated As bad as this is, it gets even worse when you compare the number of hospitalizations between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Hospitalizations are now occurring almost exclusively in fully vaccinated populations, it turns out – and this has been the case since at least July. It was right around that time that the mass injection campaign really started to pick up steam, showing a direct correlation between jab uptake and spikes in hospitalization.
If “no more available beds” is really the government’s concern in all this, then the best thing for it to do is to immediately stop the jab campaign. Otherwise hospitals will continue to overflow with sick and dying patients who took their injections but still got the “virus.” The death toll among the fully vaccinated is even more shocking, based on the latest data. It turns out that the unvaccinated are eight times less likely to die than the fully vaccinated. “The fact that the fully vaccinated now account for the majority of COVID-19 cases is extremely concerning in regards to the effectiveness of the COVID-19 injections, because up until recently, children who are not eligible for vaccination, have accounted for the vast majority of cases,” reported Humans are Free, citing the Exposé.
“Further questions on the effectiveness of the jabs also need to be asked due to the fact COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are rising among the fully vaccinated population by the month while hospitalizations and deaths among the not-vaccinated population continue to decline.” This type of information will never be reported by the corporate media, especially in the West where the Branch Covidians have infiltrated and taken over pretty much every news outlet that exists, preventing them from reporting on the facts. Instead, the only type of “news” that most people get claims that these jabs are a “miracle” cure, even though the data clearly proves otherwise. A little extra digging is all it takes to find out the truth, if only people are willing to search for it.
see telegram@DrNaomiwolf
Case Numbers Dr Mat Shelton N.Z
Last Updated: April 23, 2021
is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is approved by
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of
obsessive-compulsive disorder and is used for other conditions,
including depression.
source NIH website click
Medical journal and efficacy via S1 receptor binding
"Detailed mechanisms of action of fluvoxamine for COVID-19 are currently unknown. In 1996, we reported that fluvoxamine binds to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein sigma-1 receptor with high affinity, suggesting a role of sigma-1 receptor in the mechanisms of its action"
source Medical journal
Jimmy Dore in the US was given fluvoxamine for long covid symptoms.
see Jimmy Dore youtube.
Dr Been explains fluvoxamine
This website discusses the pandemic and is made up of health professionals who question the worlds governments strategy on Covid.
Dr Vernon Coleman says proof of the harm of vaccinations is out Nov.2021.
Australian Nurses
This is a powerful space from nurses on the front line in Australia.
Dr Altmann at Aust Medical Professionals Assoc. 9.2022 |
Spike mRNA recovery
A Guide to recovery post Vax
🇺🇸 USA Nurse Louisiana 2021 Enquiry
🇦🇺 Australia Doc. Tells of casualty post vax
This is part 2 of my experience post Pfizer and I detail the symptoms of illness and the treatments I have found including.
Homeopaths for Myocarditis which is the inflamation of the heart muscle and pericarditis the inflamation of the sheath around the heart.
Apis Mellifica and Apocynum –
Top Homeopathic medicines for dropsical swelling over ankles
Mellifica and Apocynum are well indicated Homeopathic medicines for
dropsical swelling over ankles, essentially swelling due to water
retention or accumulation of water in the tissues. The key symptoms to
look out for prescription of Apis Mellifica are waxy, pale, swollen
The ankles are very sensitive to the touch. Stinging pain
and stiffness may be present. Apocynum is another of the most useful
Homeopathic medicines for swelling over ankles. Apocynum is mainly
indicated for dropsical swelling of ankles after cardiac disease.
Dropsical swellings may also be found in other parts of the body, along
with the ankles, when Homeopathic medicine Apocynum is indicated.
Apocynum and Adrosea mifolium
Extremities, limbs Pain in all joints Pain in toes and soles
Swelling of hands and feet Profuse sweat, with much heat in soles
Tingling pain in toes Cramps in soles
Professor Clancy in The Quadrant
The author is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle Medical School. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Science’s COVID-19 Expert Database
Thirty frontline doctors in Australia recently treated over 600 patients with COVID-19. The treatment strategy was ivermectin (IVM) with doxycycline and zinc. Five patients required admission to hospital for progressive symptoms. There were no deaths. In a similar number of contemporary Australian patients not treated with IVM, 70 were hospitalised and six died.
This is consistent with world data bases: 31 randomised controlled trials show 62 per cent benefit with IVM, and seven meta-analyses recorded a reduction in death of between 57 and 83 per cent. Experienced clinicians have moved on to combine IVM with additional drugs, usually a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as doxycycline, and zinc, which has viricidal activity.
A logical conclusion would be that these results demand attention. With “freedom day” in NSW expected to be followed by increases in COVID-19 infections and hospital admissions, an IVM roll-out would be a logical outcome. That this has not happened may well prompt the question ‘Why is that so?’ The mainline press, which continues in its refusal to report and interrogate the evidence, also fails the public by presenting IVM as the antichrist of the medicine cabinet. A complex set of events has come together. These events and how they affect COVID-19 management and patient outcomes form the basis of this article.
FIRST, as patients were being treated with IVM in Sydney and Melbourne with the impressive results mentioned above, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) made an extraordinary move to shut down the prescribing of IVM by frontline doctors for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. The TGA has form, as it made a similar ruling on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the other re-purposed off-patent drug shown to be effective in treating COVID-19. Importantly, the reasons given by the TGA to justify its decision were not correct.
The main TGA concern stated was that IVM would confuse the public and lead to hesitation to be vaccinated. That, too, is incorrect. Doctors overwhelmingly support vaccination against COVID-19. The combination of safe and effective IVM with a vaccination programme will enhance viral clearance, reduce disease severity, reduce hospital admissions and reduce deaths. However, groupthink quickly led to professional bodies such as the AMA uncritically accepting the TGA policy. Even the Australian Academy of Science weighed in with political support for the TGA’s decision, doing so without any evaluation of the science.
Then came the coup: the regulatory body responsible for registration of doctors, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, warned that prescribing, dispensing, or even publicly discussing IVM, “compromised expected standards of practise”, leaving open disciplinary measures which have since resulted in doctors having their licences revoked. A crescendo of intimidation has ensued, all based on a failure to interrogate the data and understand the clinical circumstance, with perhaps a touch of group hysteria thrown in.
The conclusion to be taken from these collective authoritarian decisions is that medical choice is no longer the prerogative of the doctor-patient relationship in Australia. Bureaucrats for any reason can decide and enforce medical issues without discussion with relevant medical experts. This is a problem throughout the Western world, but perhaps there is a light in the tunnel. Nebraska’s attorney general recently ruled that the prescription of IVM for COVID-19 is a matter for the doctor and patient, not government.
THE SECOND development is a changing balance in evidence relevant to early treatment. Negative critique has been rebutted, and support has become stronger.
First, there has been a rebuttal of a misleading “Cochrane report“. Traditionally, a Cochrane is considered the highest bar for drug efficacy, and the outcome of a Cochrane has profound influence on acceptance. The existing Cochrane report on IVM was ambivalent. This became the basis for rejection of IVM, and the cry for more studies. The National COVID-19 Health and Research Advisory Committee, established to counsel government on early treatment for COVID-19, took that flawed Cochrane report as gospel. From there a trickle-down effect informed opinion of both professional and government organisations, with vigorous support from an uncritical media. Recently, a group of respected non-aligned epidemiologists in the UK reviewed the Cochrane report and found it wanting. They showed defects in method, an exclusion of data points and studies, and a failure to include substantive regional and national experiences where IVM had been successfully adopted.
Not to be dismissed, IVM naysayers took a new tack: play the man (or the woman), not the ball. Their trick is to label IVM studies that do not fit their viewpoint as “fraudulent” while disparaging IVM’s medical supporters as, among other insults, “New Age quacks”. The value of the naysayers’ critique, indeed their motivation, has been challenged in detail (see, failing on numerous counts that include an absence of evidence and misinformation. The conclusion was that these frivolous activities confined to a couple of uncertain studies (which are not included in quality meta-analyses) had no impact on the overwhelming data supporting the benefit for IVM use againstCOVID-19.
The mainline press welcomed claims supporting the anti-IVM narrative, with the BBC News plumbing new lows in journalism by combining false conclusions with bias that included misrepresentation of a highly regarded epidemiologist. A recent Sydney Morning Herald article was little better, distorting the science with ideology and bias. The reporter involved has not responded to a request to host a debate on the topic. They never do!
Second, and more positive, is the accumulation of evidence supporting the benefit from early treatment. Two recent and compelling studies further support the value of both IVM and HCQ , the latter having been “cancelled” after being cited by Donald Trump as a potential treatment. All this came despite a meta-analysis of 32 early-treatment studies showing 64 per cent protection.
The first of those is a WHO study in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state (230 million people). Medical teams visited 98,000 villages, providing kits (similar to those used in the Australian study) containing IVM for the treatment of those with COVID-19. Within five weeks, new cases had dropped by 97 per cent. Meanwhile in another Indian state, Kerala, with eight per cent the population of Uttar Pradesh, IVM was not used and as many as 31,000 COVID cases were recorded per day. Similar results are reported in areas of Peru, Mexico and elsewhere
The second recent study treated 8,300 French patients with HCQ. There was a 93 per cent reduction in mortality. A meta-analysis by the same authors included 32,000 patients from five countries and showed early HCQ treatment reduced mortality by 69 per cent.
The inevitable and unavoidable conclusions to be drawn are that Cochrane negativity can no longer dominate an honest argument about IVM’s use and, further, that the medication must be accepted in Australia as a safe and effective treatment capable of reducing the expected post-lockdown load on health systems.
THE THIRD development has been the frenetic response by media and government to an orchestrated campaign by pharmaceutical giant Merck promoting its re-purposed antiviral agent, Molnupiravir, before significant data assessment has been completed. Merck is now joined by Roche and Pfizer with their versions of re-positioned “wonder drugs”. All have limited and conflicting data yet make extravagant claims. These antivirals are less effective than IVM and none have acceptable safety profiles. However, we see the Australian government making extraordinary claims and committing large sums to acquire these unproven oral therapies. Who can be advising government to allow such dubious claims and acquisitions at the expense of IVM and the Australian taxpayer?
The charge of hypocrisy and cynicism must first be directed at Merck, but also at “the experts”, Dr.Tony Fauci, governments and, of course, the media. Merck stated IVM had no clinical value mere days before receiving a US$300 million grant to develop Molnupiravir. Available data suggests it provides eight-fold less protection than that found for IVM in the Australian study. Merck acquired Molnupiravir, originally developed by Emory University, after it failed against other RNA virus diseases. Questions about undisclosed data remain to be answered. The drug is a “son of Remdesavir”, a RNA polymerase inhibitor with that failed randomised controlled trials (RCT). The Australian government has bought 300,000 courses of Remdesivir (the US government pays US$1,000 per course). This is beyond logic, certainly not based on science. As the TGA prevented doctors prescribing IVM because it would reduce vaccination rates, the question is simple: How will the TGA draw a distinction between Merck’s Molnupiravir and IVM?
The elephant in the room for Molnupiravir is safety. The drug creates lethal mutants to terminate virus replication. Cell biologists express concern that some live mutants with resistance to vaccines are released into the environment. DNA mutations also occur, which could lead to disturbed growth and cross-generation transmission of genetic changes. The TGA will now have to wrestle with pressure from Big Pharma and government to register a drug with scant clinical data and untested safety concerns after denying the Australian a public cheap, safe and more effective treatment with IVM.
Any argument against IVM or HCQ use in treating COVID-19 is not based on science. Rather, it is politically driven, in tune with the pharmaceutical companies’ profit motive. Who is pulling the strings?
THE FOURTH issue is the recognition that genetic vaccines have limited value. While doctors support the current vaccine roll-out, reported “danger signals” must be clarified. Both the DNA-vector vaccine (AstraZeneca) and mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) behave as predicted by biology relevant to airways’ protection (something not understood by the vast majority of “experts”): short duration of protection limited to control of systemic inflammation, with little impact on infection of the airways.
Israel was used as a laboratory for the Pfizer vaccine. Six months after vaccination, there was essentially no protection against infection or mild disease, although protection against severe disease remained at 85-to-90 per cent. Thereafter came a rapid and progressive loss of protection against more severe disease. Infected vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects have similar viral loads and transmission capacity. Immunity following natural infection is better and more durable than that induced by vaccination, so there is no sense in immunising those who have had COVID infection in the preceding six months.
In an Australian context, by New Year 2022, it is estimated about two million vaccinated Australians will have lost protection against infection and mild disease. Infections will increase as borders are opened and we re-enter the international community.
Our lockdown policy has limited the acquisition of natural immunity. Although we can expect high levels of infection with less severe disease, pressure on hospitals will increase. The experience of Israel and Iceland, each with high vaccination rates of 85 per cent or more, provides a possible scenario for Australia. In Israel, with a population of less than 10 million, the “third wave” continues, with 1500 new cases and 30 deaths a day (at the time of writing). More concerning are reports of high COVID mortality in older vaccinated subjects in some jurisdictions. Variants such as the further-mutated Delta variant in the UK will continue to appear, with unknown infectivity, response to current vaccines and pathogenicity. Perhaps of greatest concern is the observation in the UK, and now in Sweden, that older vaccinated individuals have a higher incidence of COVID infection than those who are unvaccinated. At the same time others are describing a state of immune deficiency following vaccination with genetic vaccines.
At this stage it is unclear as to whether this “deficiency” of the immune response is limited to the antibody response to COVID virus. This should not be a surprise to anyone who has done “Immunology 101”, as enhancing antibody (ie antibody that promotes infection, rather than limits it) is well recognised in RNA virus infections, and “antigen excess causing a downregulation of immunity” is a basic tenet of immunology. Forgotten by most, is that genetic vaccines cause a large and unregulated amount of antigen (ie the spike protein) to be synthesised within the cells of the body, and the immune response will be a function of those unknown dynamics. These facts and the concerns they raise should be front and centre for regulators as they examine data to make decisions in regard to booster shots. The duration of protection following boosters is completely unknown, as is whether genetic vaccine boosters distort the immune system with net suppression. Are we setting ourselves up for monthly boosters, higher incidence of infections, more serious adverse events, or even more concerning immune outcomes. We just do not know! If ever there was a need for a safe , cheap effective oral therapy, now is it.
The concern for all genetic vaccines is the damage caused by uncontrolled release of toxic spike protein from cells throughout the body, and cell destruction due to T cells and antibody directed against spike protein, expressed on cell surfaces. It is too early to know if there are long-term complications caused by injected mRNA due to displacement of physiological mRNA by synthetic “capped” mRNA in vaccines, or prion disease such as Parkinson’s disease, due to “prion sequences” in the spike protein.
There are disturbing signals reporting severe adverse events and post-vaccination deaths across the globe. A high percent of these “signals” appear to have a causal relationship in subsequent analyses, reinforced by post-mortem reports showing specific tissue changes. Yet we are now seeing a push to vaccinate children under 12 who neither get severe disease nor significantly spread it. The cost/benefit of immunising children has been widely criticised, while misinformation continues to be delivered through the press. Similar concerns persist with respect to vaccination of pregnant women despite short term data from Pfizer suggesting safety. Incidence of miscarriages remains unclear. Follow-up of infants must ber able to exclude complications due to placenta damage from spike protein and genetic changes due to injected mRNA.
TO CONCLUDE, we cannot vaccinate ourselves out of the pandemic. Most COVID deaths in England over the last seven months have been in vaccinated subjects, and studies across 68 countries confirm increases in COVID-19 infections are unrelated to levels of vaccination. Booster shots with current vaccines come with little support, and possible enhanced toxicity as reported to the FDA. There is very limited data showing prevention of serious disease, with the data presented to the FDA by Pfizer focussed on “infections” not serious disease. COVID deaths in older immunised subjects due to “enhancing antibody” need to be confirmed and investigated further. These concerns need to be resolved before booster shots are widely used.
Antigen-based vaccines such as NovaVax with its strong metrics on efficacy and safety, need to be considered. It is understood this vaccine will be available by year’s end; indeed, on October 29 an application for provisional approval was filed with the TGA. Yet the Australian government continues to support genetic vaccines. Who can be advising the politicians on such a concerning course?
The management of COVID-19 in Australia requires re-shaping as we move into the next stage of the pandemic. It is easy to identify problems. It is more useful to recognise that the pandemic has opened cracks in the administration of medical practise. Transparency, communication, and flexibility, once strengths of our health system, are harder to find. Bureaucrats appear to make critical decisions for political reasons, while doctors are threatened with de-registration for supporting early drug treatment because it may affect vaccine roll-out. It is easy to conclude the system has been corrupted. The question is, who pulls the strings?
Part of the answer is that transnational organisations, such as WHO and mega pharmaceutical companies, have imprinted their political and commercial agendas all over the COVID-19 story. The genesis of their power play appears to reside in the terms of their confidential contracts with national governments. From the inadequate “investigation” of the Wuhan source of the virus to its refusal to admit IVM is the reason for successful COVID-19 control in Uttar Pradesh and its suppression of all cheap and readily available early treatments, the WHO cannot be trusted to lead the world out of the pandemic. Pharmaceutical companies subvert any evidence supporting cheap medications that threaten their profits. Conflict exist at every level with cross-appointments between pharmaceutical companies, government bodies with financial interests in pharmaceutical companies, and research grants from pharmaceutical companies. The US Food & Drug Administration has long been a nursery for highly paid lobbyists and careers within the pharmaceutical industry. If an example is needed to illustrate how distorted the system has become, go no further than Merck’s promotion of Molnupiravir and the cynical support given by politicians, academics and media only weeks after “cancelling” cheap, available, safer and more effective re-purposed drugs. Since the FDA in the US became funded through high application fees from the pharmaceutical companies, a shift in acceptance of expensive drugs offering little advantage over existing unpatented drugs has been noted.
What is difficult to understand is the groupthink acceptance of the mantra promoted by so-called experts, and by many professionals. In part this is due to the power vacuum in medical leadership that has occurred in recent years, but it may also reflect in part processes known to psychiatrists as cognitive dissonance and mass hysteria.
The medical profession in Australia was built on a proud tradition of excellence, with College systems and medical faculties led by the best of the best providing trickle-down leadership based on respect, knowledge and experience. This leadership was tightly connected to primary care doctors. That has changed, with Colleges now reduced to a gateway function geared to specialist accreditation and with “leadership” provided by bureaucrats. Medicine has been dissected by specialisation, losing its connections along the way. Academic medicine has lost the allure of earlier times in a post-truth world of political correctness, with fewer medical graduates entering PhD training programmes. Recruitment into research career paths is no longer an attractive option. Most specialists today would not know the name of their College presidents, once the most revered of positions. Instead the pandemic has enabled this information vacuum to be filled with a new breed of “experts” who either are not medically trained, and thus cannot grasp the clinical imperative, or have a past-distant medical degree but are a long way from real-life medicine. This has facilitated promotion of influence-peddling by pharmaceutical companies with the goal of impacting COVID-19 management. The current situation manipulated by Merck to “cancel” IVM and replace this treatment option with the less effective but patented Molnupiravir should be a wake-up call. Yet this expensive drug is lauded in the press and elsewhere as the “breakthrough we all needed”.
An example of pharmaceutical company “vigour” occurred with the launch of new anti-psychotic drugs in the 1990’s. Companies manipulated a belief held by a few paediatricians and child psychiatrists that psychosis was common in young children, with funding, promotion and strong media support. It took several thousand deaths before sanity was restored to gullible doctors.
Uncritical acceptance of misinformation on IVM, driven by pharmaceutical companies to protect their vaccines and patented drugs, and strongly reinforced by academia, government and health authorities, leads to many unnecessary hospital admissions and deaths. The media has a concerning role in the propagation of misinformation, preferring to support an ideological narrative, rather than engage in responsible journalism. The appalling example by BBC News has been discussed.
This article is about a watershed moment in COVID-19 management. It is brought into focus by the TGA closing down the legal use of IVM for COVID-19, while Merck promotes an inadequately documented, potentially dangerous and less effective (but patented and very expensive) “lethal-mutant” anti-viral. Yet not a squeak of concern from the mainline press. The moment is brought squarely into relief as health services face the pressure of handling infections that will follow “escape” from lockdowns. The limits of vaccination to control this “third wave” across the globe demands drug support. New data on enhancing immunity and related immune deficiency, discussed above, calls for caution and a re-think about genetic vaccines.
How will the TGA and its advisers handle this crisis? How can a quality information trail be provided to politicians? The Nebraska ruling on IVM, noted and linked above, has gone viral around the world. The question is, will legal sanity be sufficient to counter the pharmaceutical lobby and pressures they will bring on regulatory bodies? We all must live in hope!
• NAC: N-Acetyl Cystiene is the best precursor to glutathione in the body which has the best research for neutralizing graphene oxide. Take 900-1800 mg a day. Get it while you can. The US Federal communist government is trying to make NAC illegal unless you have a doctor’s prescription.
• Enzymes (especially those containing serrapeptase and nattokinase
such as VeganZyme— dosage for VeganZymes is 3 caps, twice daily):
Serrapeptase provides the anti-inflammatory breakdown of excess and
unusual protein. Dosage: 100-200 mg on an empty stomach per day.
Nattokinase has a long history of being used to prevent blood clots.
2000-4000 Fibrinolytic Units per day (2-4 capsules) with or without
Special Note: Iver.mectin is showing great promise against hydrogels containing graphene oxide and found on PCR test swabs, but it is a pharmaceutical, so I do not include it.
Here is the Complete Protocol
•Coated Silver (1-6 drops per day, depending on degree of exposure)
(Coated silver blocks the sulfur-bearing protein on the spikes from
entering the cell. Sulfur-rich amino acids on the spike protein interact
with silver causing them to fold incorrectly).
• NAC (N-acetyl
cysteine) (accelerates detoxification and is considered a producer of
the super detoxifier glutathione in the body) Dosage: 1200-2400 mg per
day on an empty stomach. NAC is recommended to detoxify graphene oxide
and SM-102. NAC is tough to find after the FDA recently made it illegal
to purchase over the counter in the USA. Request NAC from your doctor!
• Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure)
• Vitamin D3* (10,000 IU’s per day)
• Lyposomal Vitamin C (30ml, twice daily)*
• Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily)*
Iodine* (dosage depends on brand, more is not better). Iodine is a
product you have to start with small dosages and build up over time.
• PQQ* (20-40 mg per day)
Nutrition on NAC
Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Dr Kat Lindley, D.O. FACOFP
has been the longest 15 days to flatten the curve and now year and
many more months than we can count later, we are still living with
the threat of SARS-CoV-2 and more
lockdowns over our heads.
It is important to note that we have learned that there are some things we can do at home to keep our immune systems optimized and ready to fight the invisible pathogen.
One of the most common risk factors in developing COVID-19 illness are low levels of vitamin D and obesity, so we need to make sure that we address those before we become ill.
Below I have listed certain protocols of nutraceuticals that can be bought at the store and used at home.
protocol lists the names and dosages of vitamins and supplements used
in the prevention of COVID-19, second shows the same used during the
treatment of active illness and third one may be used in those
individuals who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 vaccine.
As we navigate these uncertain
times, we need to remember that we humans are resilient, our strength
is found in adversity, and working
together in our own community is what will make a difference at the
end. The future may be uncertain and as we face more controversy with
mandates and passports,
we need to make sure that we take care of ourselves, body, mind and
spirit. Our bodies are amazing creations, when under attack
and primed, they know what to do and at the
end, the result is a strong immune
system that will recognize future threats.
mentioned, below is the list of nutraceuticals to use, but before you
start any regimen please contact your physician or read about side
effects and risks of the supplements recommended. Be brave, stay the
course, HOLD THE LINE.
Prevention Cocktail
Vit D 2-5000
Vit C 2000 mg
25 mg
Quercetin 500
mg daily
150 mg daily
seed oil 40-80 mg/day
cysteine 600 mg twice daily
3-5 mg daily
Vit D 10,000 units
Vit C 3000 mg
50 mg
Quercetin 500 mg twice
Elderberry 150
mg daily
Black seed oil
40-80 mg/day
cysteine 1200 mg twice daily
Melatonin 10 mg daily
20 mg twice daily
***Aspirin 325
mg daily (if no contraindications)
Vaxx Detox
D 10,000 units
Vit C 3000 mg
Zinc 50 mg
pectin 700 mg twice daily
500 mg daily
Selenium 200 mg
N-acetyl cysteine
1200 mg twice daily
Black seed
oil 40-80 mg/day
final observations...
Ketogenic diets have shown a
strong anti-inflammatory effect and some data suggest that they may
be useful for reducing viral replication and
may help with the recovery. Vitamin
D is extremely
important in prevention and treatment of Covid-19 and
the optimal level in the blood is 50
ng. I highly recommend checking your
levels. Exercise is essential for our
If you develop COVID-19,
I recommend you exercise as tolerated, even if just moving
around a
little or going for a walk in the sun, then get some rest.
Sleep when
tired and allow your body to rest. I
always tell my patients “listen
to your body, it knows the way”.
will leave you with these last words ” The secret to happiness is
freedom. The secret to freedom is courage.” There comes a time in
our lives when we are called to do
something bigger than ourselves and how we respond to this call is
what distinguishes us from the crowd.
November 9, 2021.
The spike protein can be found in all SARS-CoV-2 variants. It is also produced in your body when you get a Covid-19 injection. Even if you have not had any symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or experienced adverse side effects after a jab, there may still be lingering spike proteins inside your body. In order to clear these after the jab or an infection, doctors and holistic practitioners are suggesting a few simple actions.
It is thought that cleansing the body of spike protein (referred to as a detox from here on) as soon as possible after an infection or jab may protect against damage from remaining or circulating spike proteins.
In this guide, we will discuss several key features of these conditions that can be targeted during a detox:
Please do not undertake a spike protein detox without supervision from your trusted health practitioner. Please note the following:
Virtually all conditions are more easily managed in their early stages. After all, it is certainly preferable to avert a health crisis entirely than it is to react to one. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
A healthy diet is vital to support a healthy immune system.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus contains a spike protein on its surface. If you’ve seen images of the coronavirus, it is the sun-like protrusions often pictured on the outside of the virus.
During a natural infection, spike proteins play a key role in helping the virus enter the cells of your body. A region of the protein, known as the S2, fuses the viral envelope to your cell membrane. The S2 region also allows for the coronavirus spike protein to be easily detected by the immune system, which then makes antibodies to target and bind the virus.
Spike proteins are also produced by your body after taking a Covid-19 jab, and they function similarly in that they are able to fuse to cell membranes. In addition, since they are made in your own cells, your cells are then targeted by your immune system in an effort to destroy the spike protein. Thus, your immune system’s response to spike proteins can damage your body’s cells.
Emerging evidence is also showing that in the nucleus of our cells the spike protein impairs our cells’ ability to repair DNA.
The spike protein from a natural infection or a Covid vaccine causes damage to our body’s cells, so it is important to take action to detoxify from it as best as we are able.
The spike protein is a highly toxic part of the virus, and research has linked the vaccine-induced spike protein to toxic effects. Spike protein research is ongoing.
The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organising pneumonia, and myocarditis. It is probably responsible for many of the Covid-19 vaccine side effects discussed in the WCH post-injection guide.
A Japanese biodistribution study for the Pfizer vaccine found that, in the 48 hours post-vaccination, vaccine particles had travelled to various tissues throughout the body and did not stay at the injection site, with high concentrations found at the liver, bone marrow, and ovaries.
Emerging evidence on spikopathy suggests that effects related to inflammation and clotting may occur in any tissue in which the spike protein accumulates. In addition, peer-reviewed studies in mice have found that the spike protein is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. Thus, in humans it could potentially lead to neurological damage if it is not cleared from the body.
Supporting people with Long Covid and post vaccine illness is a new and emerging field of health research and practice. The following lists contain substances that may be useful. This list has been compiled by international doctors and holistic practitioners with diverse experiences in helping people recover from Covid-19 and post injection illness.
Luckily, there are a host of easily attainable, natural solutions to reduce your body’s spike protein load.
Some “Protein Binding Inhibitors” inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells, while others neutralize the spike protein so that it can no longer cause damage to human cells.
Spike Protein Inhibitors: Prunella vulgaris, pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, ivermectin
Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, vitamin C
The ACE2 receptor is located in the cell wall, in lung and blood vessel linings, and in platelets. Spike protein attaches to ACE2 receptors.
It has been proposed that large concentrations of spike protein may bind to our ACE2 receptors and effectively ‘sit there’, blocking the regular functioning of these receptors in various tissues. The disruption of these receptors has been associated with a multitude of adverse effects through altered tissue functioning.
Substances that naturally protect the ACE2 receptors:
Evidence suggests the binding of ivermectin to the ACE2 receptor prevents the spike protein from binding with it instead.
Interleukin 6, or IL-6, is a primarily pro-inflammatory cytokine protein. This means it is naturally produced by the body in response to infection or tissue damage and initiates the inflammatory response.
Some natural substances help the post-jab detoxification process by targeting Interleukin 6.
Scientific evidence shows that cytokines such as IL-6, are found in far higher levels among those infected with Covid when compared to uninfected individuals.
IL-6 has been used as a biomarker for Covid progression. Increased levels of IL-6 have been found in patients with respiratory dysfunction. Meta-analysis has revealed a reliable relationship between IL-6 levels and covid severity. IL-6 levels have been inversely related with T-cell count in ICU patients.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 are also expressed post-vaccination, and studies suggest that they may reach the brain.
Il-6 inhibitors have in fact been recommended by the WHO for severe Covid cases, for which they have been described as life-saving.
The following lists of natural substances, including several basic anti-inflammatory food supplements, can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action.
IL-6 Inhibitors (anti-inflammatories): Boswellia serrata (frankincense) and dandelion leaf extract
Other IL-6 inhibitors: Black cumin (Nigella sativa), curcumin, fish oil and other fatty acids, cinnamon, fisetin (flavonoid), apigenin, quercetin (flavonoid), resveratrol, luteolin, vitamin D3 (with vitamin K), zinc, magnesium, jasmine tea, spices, bay leaves, black pepper, nutmeg, and sage
Furin is an enzyme, which cleaves proteins and makes them biologically activate.
Furin has been shown to separate the spike protein and thus allow the virus to enter human cells.
A furin cleavage site is present on the Covid spike protein, which is thought to make the virus more infectious and transmissible.
Furin inhibitors work by preventing cleavage of the spike protein.
Substances that naturally inhibit furin:
Serine protease is an enzyme.
Inhibiting serine protease can prevent spike protein activation and also reduce viral entry to cells, hence reducing infection rate as well as severity.
Substances that naturally inhibit serine protease and may help to reduce spike protein levels in the body:
Substance | Natural Source(s) | Where to Get | Recommended Dose |
Ivermectin | Soil bacteria (avermectin) | On prescription | 0.4mg/kg weekly for 4 weeks, then monthly *Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use |
Hydroxychloroquine | On prescription | 200mg weekly for 4 weeks *Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use | |
Vitamin C | Citrus fruits (e.g. oranges) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 6-12g daily (divided evenly between sodium ascorbate (several grams), liposomal vitamin C (3-6g) & ascorbyl palmitate (1 – 3g) |
Prunella Vulgaris (commonly known as self-heal) | Self-heal plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 7 ounces (207ml) daily |
Pine Needles | Pine tree | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Consume tea 3 x daily (consume oil/resin that accumulates in the tea also) |
Neem | Neem tree | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions |
Dandelion Leaf Extract | Dandelion plant | Supplement (dandelion tea, dandelion coffee, leaf tincture): natural food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Tincture as per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions |
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) | High-protein foods (beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, salmon, tuna) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 1200mg daily (in divided doses) |
Fennel Tea | Fennel plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | No upper limit. Start with 1 cup and monitor body’s reaction. |
Star Anise Tea | Chinese evergreen tree (Illicium verum) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | No upper limit. Start with 1 cup and monitor body’s reaction. |
St John’s Wort | St John’s wort plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Comfrey Leaf | Symphytum plant genus | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Nattokinase | Natto (Japanese soybean dish) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Boswellia serrata | Boswellia serrata tree | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) | Buttercup plant family | Grocery stores, health food stores | |
Curcumin | Turmeric | Grocery stores, health food stores | |
Fish Oil | Fatty/oily fish | Grocery stores, health food stores | Up to 2000mg daily |
Cinnamon | Cinnamomum tree genus | Grocery store | |
Fisetin (Flavonoid) | Fruits: strawberries, apples, mangoes Vegetables: onions, nuts, wine | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 100mg daily (Consume with fats) |
Apigenin | Fruits, veg & herbs parsley, chamomile, vine-spinach, celery, artichokes, oregano | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 50mg daily |
Quercetin (Flavonoid) | Citrus fruits, onions, parsley, red wine | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 500mg twice daily, Consume with Zinc |
Resveratrol | Peanuts, grapes, wine, blueberries, cocoa | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 1500mg daily for up to 3 months |
Luteolin | Vegetables: celery, parsley, onion leaves Fruits: apple skins, chrysanthemum flowers | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 100-300mg daily (Typical manufacturer recommendations) |
Vitamin D3 | Fatty fish, fish liver oils | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 5000 – 10,000 IU daily |
Vitamin K | Green leafy vegetables | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 90-120mg daily (90 for women, 120 for men) |
Zinc | Red meat, poultry, oysters, whole grains, milk products | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 11-40mg daily |
Magnesium | Greens, whole grains, nuts | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 350mg daily |
Jasmine Tea | Leaves of common jasmine or Sampaguita plants | Grocery store, health food stores | Up to 8 cups per day |
Spices | Grocery store | ||
Bay Leaves | Bay leaf plants | Grocery store | |
Black Pepper | Piper nigrum plant | Grocery store | |
Nutmeg | Myristica fragrans tree seed | Grocery store | |
Sage | Sage plant | Grocery store | |
Rutin | Buckwheat, asparagus, apricots, cherries, black tea, green tea, elderflower tea | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 500-4000mg daily (consult healthcare provider before taking higher-end doses) |
Limonene | Rind of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and limes | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 2000mg daily |
Baicalein | Scutellaria plant genus | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 100-2800mg |
Hesperidin | Citrus fruit | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 150mg twice daily |
Green Tea | Camellia sinensis plant leaves | Grocery store | Up to 8 cups of tea a day or as directed on supplement |
Potatoes tubers | Potatoes | Grocery store | |
Blue Green Algae | Cyanobacteria | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 1-10 grams daily |
Andrographis Paniculata | Green chiretta plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 400mg x 2 daily *Check for contradictions |
Milk Thistle Extract | Silymarin | Supplement; Health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 200mg x 3 daily |
Soybeans (organic) | Soybeans | Grocery store, health food stores |
Most of these items are easily accessible in local grocery stores or as nutritional supplements in health food stores.
Note: This list is not comprehensive and other substances, such as serrapeptase and CBD oil, have also been suggested. The World Council for Health will continue to update this document as new information emerges.
Some holistic practitioners also recommend substances to cleanse the body of metals after vaccination, such as zeolite and activated charcoal. The WCH will prepare guidance on how to detox from metals in due course.
This is an evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body. The lists of herbal and other medicines and supplements have been compiled in a collaboration between international doctors, scientists, and holistic medical practitioners.
As Covid-19 infections, Covid-19 vaccines, and the issue of spike protein harms are new, this guide is informed by established and emerging medical research as well as the clinical experience of international medical doctors and holistic health practitioners; it will evolve as new evidence emerges.
The patent-free medicines and supplements included may have differing availability around the world.
If you have had Covid-19, have recently had a Covid-19 injection, or are experiencing symptoms that may be related to Covid-19 vaccine transmission (also called shedding), you may benefit from using one or more items from our list of medicines and supplements to reduce spike protein load. The spike protein, which is both a part of the Covid-19 virus and is produced in our bodies after inoculation, can circulate around our bodies causing damage to cells, tissues, and organs.
Many people have been unable to find help for spike protein related illness (also called spikopathy) through existing healthcare services. This information is relevant if you have experienced adverse reactions after a jab, have Long Covid, or have post Covid-Injection Syndrome (pCoIS).
Important Note: This guide is for education only. If you are ill after vaccination, please seek help from a medical doctor or an holistic health practitioner. For information on post Covid-injection illnesses, see the WCH post-injection guide.
The spike protein can be found in all SARS-CoV-2 variants. It is also produced in your body when you get a Covid-19 injection. Even if you have not had any symptoms, tested positive for Covid-19, or experienced adverse side effects after a jab, there may still be lingering spike proteins inside your body. In order to clear these after the jab or an infection, doctors and holistic practitioners are suggesting a few simple actions.
It is thought that cleansing the body of spike protein (referred to as a detox from here on) as soon as possible after an infection or jab may protect against damage from remaining or circulating spike proteins.
In this guide, we will discuss several key features of these conditions that can be targeted during a detox:
Please do not undertake a spike protein detox without supervision from your trusted health practitioner. Please note the following:
Virtually all conditions are more easily managed in their early stages. After all, it is certainly preferable to avert a health crisis entirely than it is to react to one. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
A healthy diet is vital to support a healthy immune system.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus contains a spike protein on its surface. If you’ve seen images of the coronavirus, it is the sun-like protrusions often pictured on the outside of the virus.
During a natural infection, spike proteins play a key role in helping the virus enter the cells of your body. A region of the protein, known as the S2, fuses the viral envelope to your cell membrane. The S2 region also allows for the coronavirus spike protein to be easily detected by the immune system, which then makes antibodies to target and bind the virus.
Spike proteins are also produced by your body after taking a Covid-19 jab, and they function similarly in that they are able to fuse to cell membranes. In addition, since they are made in your own cells, your cells are then targeted by your immune system in an effort to destroy the spike protein. Thus, your immune system’s response to spike proteins can damage your body’s cells.
Emerging evidence is also showing that in the nucleus of our cells the spike protein impairs our cells’ ability to repair DNA.
The spike protein from a natural infection or a Covid vaccine causes damage to our body’s cells, so it is important to take action to detoxify from it as best as we are able.
The spike protein is a highly toxic part of the virus, and research has linked the vaccine-induced spike protein to toxic effects. Spike protein research is ongoing.
The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organising pneumonia, and myocarditis. It is probably responsible for many of the Covid-19 vaccine side effects discussed in the WCH post-injection guide.
A Japanese biodistribution study for the Pfizer vaccine found that, in the 48 hours post-vaccination, vaccine particles had travelled to various tissues throughout the body and did not stay at the injection site, with high concentrations found at the liver, bone marrow, and ovaries.
Emerging evidence on spikopathy suggests that effects related to inflammation and clotting may occur in any tissue in which the spike protein accumulates. In addition, peer-reviewed studies in mice have found that the spike protein is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. Thus, in humans it could potentially lead to neurological damage if it is not cleared from the body.
Supporting people with Long Covid and post vaccine illness is a new and emerging field of health research and practice. The following lists contain substances that may be useful. This list has been compiled by international doctors and holistic practitioners with diverse experiences in helping people recover from Covid-19 and post injection illness.
Luckily, there are a host of easily attainable, natural solutions to reduce your body’s spike protein load.
Some “Protein Binding Inhibitors” inhibit the binding of the spike protein to human cells, while others neutralize the spike protein so that it can no longer cause damage to human cells.
Spike Protein Inhibitors: Prunella vulgaris, pine needles, emodin, neem, dandelion leaf extract, ivermectin
Spike Protein Neutralizers: N-acetylcysteine (NAC), glutathione, fennel tea, star anise tea, pine needle tea, St. John’s wort, comfrey leaf, vitamin C
The ACE2 receptor is located in the cell wall, in lung and blood vessel linings, and in platelets. Spike protein attaches to ACE2 receptors.
It has been proposed that large concentrations of spike protein may bind to our ACE2 receptors and effectively ‘sit there’, blocking the regular functioning of these receptors in various tissues. The disruption of these receptors has been associated with a multitude of adverse effects through altered tissue functioning.
Substances that naturally protect the ACE2 receptors:
Evidence suggests the binding of ivermectin to the ACE2 receptor prevents the spike protein from binding with it instead.
Interleukin 6, or IL-6, is a primarily pro-inflammatory cytokine protein. This means it is naturally produced by the body in response to infection or tissue damage and initiates the inflammatory response.
Some natural substances help the post-jab detoxification process by targeting Interleukin 6.
Scientific evidence shows that cytokines such as IL-6, are found in far higher levels among those infected with Covid when compared to uninfected individuals.
IL-6 has been used as a biomarker for Covid progression. Increased levels of IL-6 have been found in patients with respiratory dysfunction. Meta-analysis has revealed a reliable relationship between IL-6 levels and covid severity. IL-6 levels have been inversely related with T-cell count in ICU patients.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 are also expressed post-vaccination, and studies suggest that they may reach the brain.
Il-6 inhibitors have in fact been recommended by the WHO for severe Covid cases, for which they have been described as life-saving.
The following lists of natural substances, including several basic anti-inflammatory food supplements, can be used to prevent the adverse effects of IL-6 by inhibiting its action.
IL-6 Inhibitors (anti-inflammatories): Boswellia serrata (frankincense) and dandelion leaf extract
Other IL-6 inhibitors: Black cumin (Nigella sativa), curcumin, fish oil and other fatty acids, cinnamon, fisetin (flavonoid), apigenin, quercetin (flavonoid), resveratrol, luteolin, vitamin D3 (with vitamin K), zinc, magnesium, jasmine tea, spices, bay leaves, black pepper, nutmeg, and sage
Furin is an enzyme, which cleaves proteins and makes them biologically activate.
Furin has been shown to separate the spike protein and thus allow the virus to enter human cells.
A furin cleavage site is present on the Covid spike protein, which is thought to make the virus more infectious and transmissible.
Furin inhibitors work by preventing cleavage of the spike protein.
Substances that naturally inhibit furin:
Serine protease is an enzyme.
Inhibiting serine protease can prevent spike protein activation and also reduce viral entry to cells, hence reducing infection rate as well as severity.
Substances that naturally inhibit serine protease and may help to reduce spike protein levels in the body:
Substance | Natural Source(s) | Where to Get | Recommended Dose |
Ivermectin | Soil bacteria (avermectin) | On prescription | 0.4mg/kg weekly for 4 weeks, then monthly *Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use |
Hydroxychloroquine | On prescription | 200mg weekly for 4 weeks *Check package instructions to determine if there are contraindications prior to use | |
Vitamin C | Citrus fruits (e.g. oranges) and vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 6-12g daily (divided evenly between sodium ascorbate (several grams), liposomal vitamin C (3-6g) & ascorbyl palmitate (1 – 3g) |
Prunella Vulgaris (commonly known as self-heal) | Self-heal plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 7 ounces (207ml) daily |
Pine Needles | Pine tree | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Consume tea 3 x daily (consume oil/resin that accumulates in the tea also) |
Neem | Neem tree | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions |
Dandelion Leaf Extract | Dandelion plant | Supplement (dandelion tea, dandelion coffee, leaf tincture): natural food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Tincture as per your practitioner’s or preparation instructions |
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) | High-protein foods (beans, lentils, spinach, bananas, salmon, tuna) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 1200mg daily (in divided doses) |
Fennel Tea | Fennel plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | No upper limit. Start with 1 cup and monitor body’s reaction. |
Star Anise Tea | Chinese evergreen tree (Illicium verum) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | No upper limit. Start with 1 cup and monitor body’s reaction. |
St John’s Wort | St John’s wort plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Comfrey Leaf | Symphytum plant genus | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Nattokinase | Natto (Japanese soybean dish) | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Boswellia serrata | Boswellia serrata tree | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | As directed on supplement |
Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) | Buttercup plant family | Grocery stores, health food stores | |
Curcumin | Turmeric | Grocery stores, health food stores | |
Fish Oil | Fatty/oily fish | Grocery stores, health food stores | Up to 2000mg daily |
Cinnamon | Cinnamomum tree genus | Grocery store | |
Fisetin (Flavonoid) | Fruits: strawberries, apples, mangoes Vegetables: onions, nuts, wine | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 100mg daily (Consume with fats) |
Apigenin | Fruits, veg & herbs parsley, chamomile, vine-spinach, celery, artichokes, oregano | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 50mg daily |
Quercetin (Flavonoid) | Citrus fruits, onions, parsley, red wine | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 500mg twice daily, Consume with Zinc |
Resveratrol | Peanuts, grapes, wine, blueberries, cocoa | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 1500mg daily for up to 3 months |
Luteolin | Vegetables: celery, parsley, onion leaves Fruits: apple skins, chrysanthemum flowers | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 100-300mg daily (Typical manufacturer recommendations) |
Vitamin D3 | Fatty fish, fish liver oils | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 5000 – 10,000 IU daily |
Vitamin K | Green leafy vegetables | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 90-120mg daily (90 for women, 120 for men) |
Zinc | Red meat, poultry, oysters, whole grains, milk products | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 11-40mg daily |
Magnesium | Greens, whole grains, nuts | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 350mg daily |
Jasmine Tea | Leaves of common jasmine or Sampaguita plants | Grocery store, health food stores | Up to 8 cups per day |
Spices | Grocery store | ||
Bay Leaves | Bay leaf plants | Grocery store | |
Black Pepper | Piper nigrum plant | Grocery store | |
Nutmeg | Myristica fragrans tree seed | Grocery store | |
Sage | Sage plant | Grocery store | |
Rutin | Buckwheat, asparagus, apricots, cherries, black tea, green tea, elderflower tea | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 500-4000mg daily (consult healthcare provider before taking higher-end doses) |
Limonene | Rind of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, and limes | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 2000mg daily |
Baicalein | Scutellaria plant genus | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 100-2800mg |
Hesperidin | Citrus fruit | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | Up to 150mg twice daily |
Green Tea | Camellia sinensis plant leaves | Grocery store | Up to 8 cups of tea a day or as directed on supplement |
Potatoes tubers | Potatoes | Grocery store | |
Blue Green Algae | Cyanobacteria | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 1-10 grams daily |
Andrographis Paniculata | Green chiretta plant | Supplement: health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 400mg x 2 daily *Check for contradictions |
Milk Thistle Extract | Silymarin | Supplement; Health food stores, pharmacies, dietary supplement stores, online | 200mg x 3 daily |
Soybeans (organic) | Soybeans | Grocery store, health food stores |
Most of these items are easily accessible in local grocery stores or as nutritional supplements in health food stores.
Note: This list is not comprehensive and other substances, such as serrapeptase and CBD oil, have also been suggested. The World Council for Health will continue to update this document as new information emerges.
Some holistic practitioners also recommend substances to cleanse the body of metals after vaccination, such as zeolite and activated charcoal. The WCH will prepare guidance on how to detox from metals in due course.
For more information and specific protocols, here are a few websites that may be of interest:
Click here to download a PDF guide from Caring Healthcare Workers Coalition.
See Source
Vaccine side effects can occur with mRNA Covid-19 injections (Moderna, Pfizer BioNTech, or Comirnaty) as well as the DNA-type of Covid-19 injections (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca).
Side effects are more common with two vaccine doses than a single dose and can be categorized as:
Immediate side effects can be localized to the site of the injection or involve the whole body.
Injection site reactions are very common and include localized pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling. These local types of reactions usually go away within a few days.
You may use the following over-the-counter medications to reduce local pain and discomfort associated with immediate side effects:
If you have no other medical reasons that prevent you from taking these medications normally, you can take them to help to relieve these post-vaccination side effects. When using over-the-counter medications, always follow the directions of the package insert and consult a healthcare provider if unsure.
These reactions can be life-threatening. If you experience this type of adverse reaction, you need to be assessed by a doctor and should be admitted to the hospital for observation and management. These types of reactions MUST be reported.
Covid-19 like (or flu-like) symptoms are common after the Covid-19 vaccination. Some health advisory agencies report that this is normal and a sign that your body is building protection. However, just because these side effects occur commonly, does not mean that they are normal or healthy. A health prevention therapy should not cause illness.
Vaccine-induced Covid-19 like illness often presents with a combination of the following symptoms:
These symptoms may disappear within 48 to 72 hours. However, some people may have a more extended Covid-19 like illness that lasts for a week or more and may even test positive for Covid-19. To avoid a lengthy illness, people with Covid-19 like symptoms after vaccination may benefit from following the World Council for Health’s Covid-19 treatment guidance which can be found here.
Post Covid-19 Injection Syndrome or pCoIS (also called Post Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome or pCoVS) is a new complex multi-system inflammatory syndrome. A syndrome is a collection of symptoms that may differ from person to person. Emerging data show that pCoIS is similar to Long Covid or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and manifests as a combination of the following symptoms:
Unlike Long Covid, pCoIS does not appear to necessarily progress from a Covid-19 like illness but may arise spontaneously weeks after a Covid-19 injection. As pCoIS is a new condition, we don’t know the long-term significance of the symptoms.
The World Council for Health experts currently recognises the following eight categories of pCoIS disease:
Categorization | Description |
Cardiac Complications (pCoIS-Car) | For post-injection symptoms affecting the heart such as inflammation or myocarditis, heart attack, or heart failure |
Neurological Complications (pCoIS-N) | For post-injection symptoms affecting the brain and nervous system such as Guillain Barre Syndrome, encephalitis, Parkinson's Disease, memory loss, and dementia |
Haematological Complications (pCoIS-H) | For post-injection symptoms affecting the blood cells such as blood clots, thrombocytopenia and lymphoma |
Vascular Complications (pCoIS-V) | For post-injection symptoms affecting blood vessels such as stroke, blood vessel thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism |
Immune System Complications (CoIS-IS) | For post injections symptoms affecting the immune system including autoimmune diseases (e.g. Diabetes Mellitus, Multiple Sclerosis and Chrohn's Disease) and infections (e.g. Shingles, Herpes, Epstein Barr Virus) |
Reproductive Health Complications (PCoIS-RH) | For post-injection complications affecting pregnancy and the reproductive organs such as adverse pregnancy outcomes, heavy periods, post-menopausal bleeding, and infertility |
Cancer Complications (PCoIS-Can) | For post-injection appearance of cancers such as breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, and brain cancer |
Congenital Complications (pCoIS-Con) | For post-injection congenital complications such as diseases/abnormalities present from birth (e.g. bleeding and clotting abnormalities, deformities) |
It is possible to have more than one type of pCoIS complication. As more data becomes available, it is likely that this definition will be updated.
Doctors and scientists at the forefront of pCoIS research think that Covid-19 vaccine side effects may be caused by:
During a Covid-19 infection, the spike protein causes much of the damage, including: harm to lung and heart muscle, inflammation, and clotting. The vaccine instructs our cells to make Covid-19 viral spike protein. In some people, this manufactured spike protein appears to cause similar damage among people previously well and Covid-19 free.
Spike proteins and some vaccine contents, such as the lipid nanoparticles, may also cause a type of allergic reaction to one or more of the injection contents or products that cause Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Mast cells contain chemicals that are released during allergic reactions and other immune responses which can cause harm to the body.
Many doctors and scientists have safety concerns related to the ingredients included in the Covid-19 injections. One of the primary reasons for this concern is that pharmaceutical companies do not have to share this information if it is not considered in their commercial interest to do so. As a result, many of the ingredients of the Covid-19 injections are not known.
Emerging evidence from independent scientists suggests that there may also be contaminants in some of the vaccine solutions and that those contaminants may be responsible for certain side effects. You can learn more about these contaminants from European doctors and scientists here.
The best way to prevent pCoIS is to avoid having one of the Covid-19 genetic based vaccinations (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, or AstraZeneca) to begin with. We are only starting to gain experience in recognizing, diagnosing, and treating pCoIS, and much further study is certainly required.
Because pCoIS shares features with Long Covid, some doctors are using the same medicines and nutritional supplements that they are also using to treat Long Covid. Many of these are available over the counter. In general, it should be advisable to intensify your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, exercise, weight, diabetes, and blood pressure management.
If you are experiencing symptoms of pCoIS, your doctor can do some tests that might help determine the best path to recovery. These tests may include a full blood count, immune system markers, inflammatory markers, clotting profile, and liver function tests. It is important to note that we are still in the early stages of understanding how to assess pCoIS. Always consult with your doctor before commencing or changing any medical treatment.
Many of the established medicines and nutritional supplements being used are available over the counter. These include:
Medicine/Supplement | Instruction/Rationale |
Zinc | 50mg daily to support the immune system. |
Vitamin D | Vitamin D (5000 international units daily) balances the immune response. |
Vitamin C | Vitamin C (500mg twice daily) to support the immune system. |
Omega-3 Fatty Acids | Omega 3 fatty acids (4 grams daily) to support the immune system. |
Quercetin | Quercetin (500mg twice daily), a natural anti-inflammatory and immune modulator, reduces overactive immune reactions. |
Aspirin | Aspirin (325 mg daily) to reduce the risk of clotting. |
Antihistamines | Antihistamines to reduce overactive immune reactions and mast cell activation. Loratidine and cetirizine are H2 antihistamines that are available over the counter. |
N-acetylcysteine | N-acetylcysteine (600mg twice daily) helps reduce inflammation through production of glutathione that gets depleted in chronic inflammatory illnesses. |
Melatonin | Melatonin (2mg to 10mg) at bedtime to help restore the circadian rhythm and sleep cycle. |
Colchicine | Colchicine (as per your doctor's prescription). |
Steroids | Steroids (as per your doctor's prescription). |
Ivermectin | Ivermectin, (as per your doctor's prescription) for its anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory properties. It also blocks the spike protein and prevents blood cells clumping together. Treatment may need to continue until resolution of symptoms. |
Mast cell stabilizers | Mast cell stabilizers (as per your doctor's prescription). |
Low histamine diet | A low histamine diet may help to dampen the immune system's response to the foreign substances. Many people with pCoIS symptoms similar to Long Covid will respond to treatment within 2 weeks. |
Fluvoxamine | As per your doctor's prescription |
It may be necessary to consult with specialist doctors for specific complications. For example, you may need to see a cardiologist to manage inflammatory heart conditions such as myocarditis and pericarditis or a neurologist to manage neurological conditions.
The first step to learning more about Covid-19 vaccine side effects is for public health officials to acknowledge and robustly consider the millions of adverse events that have already been reported all over the world. In order to do this, there must be transparent systems to monitor and track vaccine adverse reactions and research funding must be made available so that doctors and scientists can explore the reported data. These data will reveal more about how to prevent and treat the various types of pCoIS.
There are many questions raised by scientists and doctors about these new gene therapy vaccines including:
In order to gain a complete understanding of the efficacy and safety of Covid-19 injections, international cardiovascular, neurological, and immunological experts agree that:
Serious side effects are occurring in people of all ages, and it is currently not known why some people experience these side effects and others do not. Research is urgently needed to understand who is most likely to experience medium to long-term complications from the Covid-19 vaccines. However, a complete understanding of who is most at risk from complications will not be known until the long-term studies have been properly conducted.
Consult your doctor as soon as possible if you have new-onset symptoms after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. They may be able to help you treat your symptoms, and the sooner you receive that treatment the better. You may also report the problem to the vaccine side effect reporting system in your country. Doing this helps doctors, scientists, and the public gain a better understanding of the potential risks of this new technology.
If you want to connect with others who have experienced post-Covid-19 Injection Syndrome, please visit:
Dr. Emma Brierly, MD
Dr. Nasseba Kathrada, MD
Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D., M.P.A.
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Dr. Mark Trozzi, MD
Dr. David Wiseman, PhD
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