Monday, 24 January 2022

Alternatives to Vaccines


Dr J. Campbell  has an informative channel online explaining all aspect of medicine including Covid. He explains ivermectins' use.


India state U.P successfully uses Ivermectin as well as El Selvador. The patent ran out some years back so there is no big money in the drug Ivermectin. Its used as a drug for humans and animals, has proven success in these nations. Its discoverers received the Noble Prize some years ago for it kills parasites very well.

see Ivermectin in india



El Selvador covid Pack

Goa India 

Japan success with ivermectin Aug 2021

World doctors explain ivermectins efficacy and ask why are they prohibited from use.

German New Medicine

Dr Hamer found that psychological shock caused the body to respond and that response we confuse with disease.

Video Melissa Sell

Dr Brighthope Vitamin D C Zinc

Dr Brighthope from the Natural Institute of Integrative Medicine 

Professor Brighthope Vit D C zinc

DR BRIGHTHOPE Natural cures covid

Journal medicine article on Vit D

Keeping healthy general health and Covid

Vit D



 Texas Dr Dan Stock explains nutritional drug therapy vit D, zinc, selenium, ivermectin, etc

Texas Conference

 Professor Roger Seheult

Professor Roger Seheult Vit D. Explains the steroid aspect of Vit D. How it effects the cell and your health. D is found in sunlight, fish oil and egg yoke,mushrooms, red meat.

This is a comprehensive assesment of Vit D.

Dr Roger talks on Vit.D and hot cold hydro therapy as used in traditional healing and now Nordic area Finland.

Dr Vladamir Zelenko Protocol on How to treat 

 Homepage click Dr Zelenko

The use of anti coagulants and Paracetamol to help patients 

George Washington uni USA aspirin use


Licorice root as Ace2 receptor blocker

 Whats a Ace2 receptor ?

 licorice root

Licorice root can be used to slow down the virus if you are infected and also to stop spike protein causing hyper immune responses and inflamation if one has a adverse reaction when vaccinated. Like citris peel and dandelion leaves they block the Ace2 receptor which the spike protein needs to attach to when capturing the host cell.



 Places to find vaccine treatments - 7,000 COVID-19 Patients (3 Deaths)

www.Sherwood.TV - 9,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) - 3,200 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) - 4,500 + COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) - 1,500 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) - 10,000 COVID-19 Patients (0 Deaths) - Doctor Richard Bartlett


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