There has been a lot said by politicians about pandemics, crisis, calamity the war on Covid etc but even in the midst of a real disaster the ones who stay calm and rational have a better chance of survival and coming out the other end less damaged.
Part of the solution to
finding answers is the correct information and the dissemination of the
aforesaid but nowadays since 911 and the GFC people increasingly don't
trust politicians and the media. why? Its because they are lied to or
their answers are half truths.
It is because they have been
lied to about opioids by doctors, Vietnam, Iraq, terror, war on drugs,
Afghanistan by politics, their mortgage by banks. Also multinational
companies who don't pay tax while citizens are often harassed by the
government. (ie Robo debt in Australia) Police harassment and brutality
has become normalized ie Justine Damond case: Mohamed Noor murder ,George Floyd, . Prices rise but pay and conditions have fallen in many countries for the last 30 years.
Neil Oliver sees lock downs as killing people and society in order to save them.
Robert F Kennedy Jr on Pharma politics Dr Fauci, NIH, CDC, and money.
Prof Noam Chomsky on the challenges ahead.
says..We via the government have given over our power to corporate
institutions of tyranny whose only motive is capital wealth and not the
health nor well being of people.
The psychology of Mass Formation
Mass formation the psychosis of fear and tyranny - Dan Astin Gregory
Melissa Ciummei a Fund expert on Iconoclast
Ryland media
The steps to digital currency and your options
Irish commentator Video on Iconoclast
Catherine Austin Fitts - Resistance
The New World Order / How we rebuild a New Society
Edward Bernays and group psychology
Negative Health effects of Lockdown
Our Humanity threatened
Pastor in Sydney
The economics of 1%
A small group of very rich organizations and people control vast amounts of wealth and therefore have influence over policy, politicians and policy. This is not inconceivable or delusional as money means power. See Vandana Shiva The 1% book or on Youtube
2010 the worlds economy has been in a stagnant position due to policies
by central banks, and the effects of gross greed during the GFC. This
has caused great inequality and a few rich people and many more poor.
These conditions sowed the seeds for a Great Reset by proponents of
Technocratic and Trans humanist ideas. Since the Covid phenomena these
policies have been implemented piecemeal. The result is less freedom for
common people and fewer choices in our lives, only rules.
Opportunists: Progressives, Technocrats, transgender groups and powerful elites have hijacked the game called pandemic into "pandemonia".
Audra Morgan San Diego County board meeting Sept 14 2021
Miss Morgan passionately talks about the hypocracy of the administrators and the need for citizens to take back their natural rights and freedoms.
Propaganda, mass manipulation, group dynamics
Corporations and national sovereignty
Pfizer demands on National Sovereignty
Corporates rule
Rob Schneider comedian
Germany Ugar Sahin from Biontech says he will not take hos own vax for legal reasons. Is this a red flag?
Mandates and bureaucratic regulations are not democracy
Unvax Video
The "Problem" of unvaccinated in Australia
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