Saturday, 7 May 2022

Vaccines the facts Real science


Dr. Lawrence Palevsky

Insights into the origins or viruses and the authorities and Big Pharma priming pre pandemic, capture of the health industry from patents, vaccine roll outs to FDA measures and mandates.

No 1.

Dr Palevsky
Originally released on October 26th 2020, Jason Shurka speaks with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky about the global situation regarding Covid-19 covering topics such as the understanding of what a virus is, the contagion myth, censorship, and what we can do moving forward to put an end to all of this madness!


No 2

Originally released on March 22nd 2021, Jason Shurka speaks with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky all about the “injection” as Dr. Palevsky shares in-depth insights which have been hidden from the public.




 Dr Palevski on Shedding

1. People who get the mRNA shot shed the spike protein via excretion, saliva, possibly sweat and breath. 

2. Moreover the spike protein sets off an immune response so that our immunity attacks a certain protein in the covid virus however there are very similar proteins to this particular one all over the body which our immune system may mistake for the covid protein. 

 More harm than good - 

500 Canadian Medical professional say their Pfizer vaccine harms more than anything in a seething report pdf.

Click report

New German Medicine

Naturopaths and Chiropractor explains viruses vaccines

Documentary series the virus scam




Australian Professor  Professor Ed J Steele on the efficacy of Vaccines (or lack of 


 Australian Professor questions the efficacy of the so called vaccines


The Vaccines unpacked by Prof. Bhakdi

 Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the mRNA gene tech.

 Doctors raise concerns on blood clots with Big Pharma during the roll out.

Dr B. raises the issue of inflammation/clotting in the brain, and says it may be the cause of the various reactions to the shots because the brain is so complex ie.. some people reported uncontrolled limb movements.

Medical journal supports Professors hypothesis. AHA Journal


He says the immune system will be steadily degraded with constant vaccine boosters to the detriment of our health as they create hyper immunity.

Dr Peter Mc Cullough



Dr Mc Cullough speaks to the Texas senate. 

Why is medical treatment being blocked by the media?

This is a great site for info and direct help from brave doctors speaking out.

Frontline doctors USA

Videos Australian Medical Professionals Society

 @ MediCram

Pfizer is not for everyone so we need choice

There are a number of covid variants and the latest casualty creator is Delta.  This is the dilemma the vaccines are able to keep people alive but do not destroy all the virus in the body therefore the virus can still be spread by a vaccinated person.

Biology shows us if the virus is put under pressure it mutates and creates a variant.  Therefore there is one road we are going down unless the virus peters out it means more booster shots. That means more $ for Big Pharma. 

There is one variant (covid variants e484k mutations) in Sth America Colombia, and one in Sth Afrika that is immune to vaccines. see links


Fauci masks flip

Heart Attacks rise with vaccines 
It's proven that heart inflammation has risen after vaccine programs.

Open source Medical Journals


Nano Particles and vaccines.  
Nano particles are the bane of oppositiion groups to vaccines as well as the use of graphene, aluminium (advuvants) and various substances used to produce vaccines. There is some concern that the use of nano particles by makers could cause problems in the body particularly as aluminum has been found in the brain of elderly people with alzheimers. Now this is a concern because vaccines often cause inflammation and the question is.... does the priming of the cell to begin an immune response continue long after vaccination.

The Lipid nano particles used as a base for vaccines may be responsible for entering the body's cells and then to be found in the brain.


Does the mRNA enter the DNA?

 Adverse reactions Nov 2021 Australia 

Pfizer adverse reactions



Vaccine toxicity research Craig-Paardekooper  Click link


How bad is my batch click



 Prof Luc Montagne

Noble prize winner faces Belgium Parliament to warn the public regarding vax. then suddenly dies.

Dr Duc C Vuong Explains Sars Covid family This US Viet doctor is colorful.

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